John Michael Janelli, New City, NY

John is a Husband, proud Father and Grandfather, He is a Civilian that growing up respected and Honored the Armed Forces. Owner of Bob’s Security Inc in NY which was founded by his dad a retired NYC Detective. Bob Janelli passed away at age 59 and John has been running the security company since. John also owns a second Security Company with his son John, Janco Security Inc in NJ. John’s WHY has always been for his family giving all he has for them to have a fulfilled life including full education so they can also support themselves. In March of 2023 his WHY became something that would make his life complete. He has a loving family, businesses, income & homes. What more would he want. After meeting Chad and Adrian after they Rucked 50 miles in Atlanta and about to start a Spartan Beast. After seeing a tear in Chads eyes as he told a portion of his story John gave them a big hug and a thank you. Halfway through the beast gave them a snickers bar. Chad & Adrian showed John how much they appreciated him. Returning home John couldn’t stop thinking of them and their mission. After looking Chad up on every social media platform John’s WHY became clear. John knew he can make a difference. And now has a greater purpose in life. One team - 50FAM ! To do everything he can to support 50 for the fallen for & veterans. John will support by Rucking, supporting fellow ruckers at the back end. Fundraising, Volunteering on rucks and Spartan Events. Start up and full support in locations in the NY, NJ and surrounding States & Building the community by sharing the mission.

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